Housing Needs Survey
Broughton Parish
Test Valley Borough Council has been commissioned to undertake an independent survey to assess the current and future need for different types of housing in the Parish.
This survey is being completed as a joint partnership arrangement between Broughton Parish Council and Test Valley Borough Council.
We are keen to hear from all households and want to obtain your views on housing in the Parish and understand what type of housing may be required both now and in the future by you, or other members of your family/household.
Please complete this survey and return in the FREEPOST envelope enclosed
Alternatively, please complete this survey online at:
Survey Deadline Monday 3rd October 2022
Confidentiality and Data Protection Statement
All the information you provide here will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be linked with your name or address, nor to any other database; nor will any information be passed on to other agencies or market research organisations. This information will be used to help the council develop its housing and planning policies to best meet these needs, including whether there is a local need for affordable housing in your parish and, if so, of what size and type. A report will be produced to show the results and a copy provided to the parish council. Discussions will then be held to decide if any further action is required.
We will share your personal data where necessary and lawful within the council, but we will not share your data with any other third parties unless we are required or permitted to do so by law.
For further information about how Test Valley Borough Council uses your personal data, including your rights as a data subject, see our Privacy Notice on the website at GDPR Privacy Notices for Each Service | Test Valley Borough Council
Further Information
Please note completing this form does not register you on the housing waiting list. If you or a family member are in housing need and have a local connection to Broughton, please register using the information below:
www.hampshirehomechoice.org.uk Tel: 01264 368613 or 01794 527773 (for affordable rented homes) or www.helptobuyagent3.org.uk/ Tel: 0800 456 11 88 (for shared ownership and other home ownership products)
If you have any questions or require help to complete the survey please contact: Housing Development Team at Test Valley Borough Council.
Telephone: 01264 368073 or email: info.housingdevelopmentteam@testvalley.gov.uk